These self-contained studio-type residential units have their own kitchen, toilet and bath. Thoughtfully designed for the urban professional, this apartment is semi-furnished for your convenience.

This property also has one of the best-rated locations in Iloilo City. Guest are happier about it compared to other properties in the area.




What's Nearby?

Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Coffee Shops
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
