This 500-SQUARE METER commercial space is strategically located at the heart of the business district of Iloilo City.

The entire area has been customized to house a call center company with space enough to accommodate 100 work stations. All ceiling works, paint works, electrical works and tile works have been completed with a BPO company in mind.

It has an office, a conference room, a server room, a training room and a pantry. It also has 13 cassette-type air conditioning units. The building is serviced by two elevators and a standby generator. Water supply is guaranteed. The floor is also CCTV-ready.

Property Features

  • 13 cassette-type air conditioning units
  • Conference room
  • Pantry
  • Server room
  • Training room

What's Nearby?

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  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Coffee Shops
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.

You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.

  • Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
